Leader in the Thermoplastic Sector
and Renewable Energy since 1973

We produce Polymer Powders, Polyethylene Bags and Renewable Energy

Poliplast S.p.a. operates in the thermoplastic sector since 1973 producing thermoplastic polymer powders, polyethylene bags and electricity from renewable sources. Several years of experience combined with the innovative spirit that distinguishes the company allow it to offer high quality products to meet the most varied customer needs.

With a solid and at the same time lean and flexible structure, nowadays Poliplast S.p.a. represents an important Italian productive reality in growing expansion both on national and European territory. The plant now stands on an industrial area of approximately 65,000 square meters, of which 25,000 are covered and employs 150 workers.

Our Products

Thermoplastic Powders

Polyethylene bags


Energia Rinnovabile

Energy and environmental management has always been of fundamental importance for our company.
Our focus is to monitor and reduce the consumption inside our plant, compensating the use of electricity with its production from renewable sources.
Aim that our company pursues by respecting, on every occasion, the values that distinguish us: quality, innovation, sustainability and passion.
We now have 12 renewable sites, all managed in full respect of the surrounding nature.

By the end of 2024, a further photovoltaic system will be built, the first on the ground for Poliplast S.p.A. which continually sets new sustainability goals.


Impianti Idroelettrici


Impianti Fotovoltaici


Mw di potenza Installata


Mln kw energia prodotta all'anno


Milioni di kg CO2 non immessa nell'ambiente


Centrali idroelettriche

41 Mln Kw

Energia prodotta all'anno

22 k tonnellate

CO2 non immessa nell'ambiente


All Poliplast operating units have acquired the quality system certification according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard. To this is added the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 environmental management certification for the operating unit in Via Preda 10. Poliplast S.p.a. is one of the founding members of the Consorzio Autonomo Riciclo Plastica Italia, abbreviated to CARPI, a private law consortium created in Italy by leading companies in the plastic recovery chain.