
All Poliplast operating units have acquired the quality system certification according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard. To this is added the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 environmental management certification for the operating unit in Via Preda 10.

The “Plastics Second Life” trademark is an environmental product certification system dedicated to materials and artifacts obtained from the valorisation of plastic waste, the first Italian and European trademark where the concepts of “quality” and “traceability” of recycled materials are introduced referring to the UNI EN ISO 14021 standard and the Green Public Procurement 203/2003.

PSV MixEco: for materials and products derived from mixtures of materials deriving from separate collection and / or from industrial waste that respect a content of recycled plastic materials of at least 5%.

Poliplast S.p.a. is one of the founding members of the Consorzio Autonomo Riciclo Plastica Italia, abbreviated to CARPI, a private law consortium created in Italy by leading companies in the plastic recovery chain.

The Consortium was founded in August 2007, and a few years after its foundation, it became the reference point for the collection, selection, recycling and recovery of plastic waste, including their transformation into new products.

All of this has been possible thanks to the contribution of Mr. Lanfranchi Federico, founder of Poliplast spa, and currently director of the Consortium itself.



Our association IT-RO, Italia Rotazionale, was founded in November 2013 by companies linked to the world of rotational moulding.
Moulders, suppliers of machinery, equipment, raw materials and accessories, and consultants for rotational moulding met and decided to create an association to bring them together and provide a focal point forpromoting and developingthis technology.


The Central European Rotational Molding Association represents about 70 member companies that deal with rotational molding as manufacturers or suppliers.

Suppliers are active and therefore represent the interests of the rotational molding industry in the German-speaking countries.


The Nordic Association of Rotational Moulders Nordic ARM was founded in 2007 by a small group of enthusiastic Rotational Moulders. The Nordic Association of Rotational Moulders (Nordic ARM) was established to provide a forum where manufacturers, suppliers, consultants and others from the rotational moulding industry in Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland could come together to: exchange information, promote the market in rotomoulding and encourage the use of rotomoulded products in new applications.

Federazione Gomma Plastica

Plastic Rubber Federation represents the interests
of the plastics and rubber industries in the stipulation and drafting of the national collective bargaining agreement for the sector. And not only.