Energia Rinnovabile

Environmental protection is very important for the company, which has decided long ago to invest in the production of electricity from renewable sources through the construction of hydroelectric power plants. The number of power plants has now reached 8 units, and they are managed in full respect of the surrounding nature which is not affected by the production activities. The environmental benefits obtained from the activities of Poliplast S.p.a. in the energy sector can be quantified in 41,000,000 kW per year, equivalent to approximately 22,000 tons of CO2 not released into the atmosphere.


Impianti Idroelettrici


Impianti Fotovoltaici


Mw di potenza Installata


Mln kw energia prodotta all'anno


Milioni di kg CO2 non immessa nell'ambiente


Centrali idroelettriche

41 Mln Kw

Energia prodotta all'anno

22 k tonnellate

CO2 non immessa nell'ambiente

Our Hydroelectric Power Plants


Polo 2

Polo 3

Hydroelectric plant “Revello”

Hydroelectric plant “Torgnon”

Hydroelectric plant “Gosalda”

Hydroelectric plant “Abetone Cutigliano”

Hydroelectric plant “Grabiasca”

Hydroelectric plant “Fiumenero”

Hydroelectric plant “Bagnola”